“We use vRA. A new version is available with functionalities we want to start using. My employees need support in the upgrade, but must be able to carry out the upgrades independently next time. After the upgrade, they must also be able to optimise the use of vRA and make the functionality available in the rest of the organisation.”

How (the ITQ approach) 

To date we have carried out several vRA updates; we are familiar with the starting points, the peripheral conditions and pitfalls you can encounter. We are happy to work with your team so that the upgrade takes place smoothly. Using input from the business teams, we work out individual use cases.  We have these use cases validated by the team, after which we get to work on the implementation.

With the stakeholders within your ICT organisation, we present a workshop on the new functionality. This results in actions that are described in a roadmap. We carry out upgrades and optimisation actions thematically, including the corresponding documents such as a project, communication and management plan. A consultant helps to map out the baseline and set up the relevant upgrade plan. This plan includes all of the activities necessary – both technical as well as non-technical in nature – to ensure the upgrade runs smoothly.

The upgrade is only successful when your employees can work with the upgraded product effectively and efficiently. Our consultants provide support based on on-the-job training and when selecting suitable training and educational programmes. Once completed, a project evaluation follows. ITQ contacts the client a few months after the upgrade to test whether the new functionality of the product is actually being used and is providing added value.  Where necessary, supplementary actions can then be specified to achieve this.

What (result or added value):

  • The vRA product is upgraded. The process has brought knowledge and expertise to the level required.
  • The functional design already present is available in the new version. Some new use cases are developed and implemented, so that a foundation is laid for the broader deployment of the product.
  • Where necessary, stakeholders within the ICT organisation are informed about the new functionality, process and/or application modifications are identified and a roadmap is set up.
  • The employees are now capable of further developing the product and implementing changes independently.
Ellen Poel Account Manager

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