How (the ITQ approach) ITQ approaches questions in a dynamic manner, focused on achieving results and creating extra value for the organisation. The project starts with a kick-off meeting in which the objective is mapped out: what is the actual question, what is the underlying problem, what use cases are concerned, which stakeholders need to become involved, which communication/information distribution is required, etc. Then the current situation is mapped out, using what is known as a discovery session. This will make clear where there is room for improvement. We then discuss the current security policy with your security team. We examine whether optimisation is possible, while monitoring both the security as well as the user-friendliness. We work together to form a plan for implementing points of improvement. Which activities do we see, what do they depend on, what parties are required for realisation, testing and/or roll-outs, etc. If necessary, we can guide teams in gathering additional knowledge and expertise, so that teams can create and maintain a uniform and secure platform independently, regardless of any changes which will inevitably occur. During the realisation and roll-out stages, ITQ will periodically evaluate the progress, and in particular the results, with your teams. Where necessary, the approach and/or design can be adapted. The platform is optimised at a given time and your teams are capable of ensuring that the platform also remains in this state. Upon completion of the project there is a project evaluation, in which ITQ informs the client about follow-up steps and points of attention. What (result or added value): Knowledge is key for our existence. This knowledge we use for disruptive innovation and changing organizations. Are you ready for change? "*" indicates required fields
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