Virtual Report
From idea to production in one day
Gartner predicts that by 2020, 75% of application purchases supporting digital business will be ‘build’, not ‘buy’. The ability to deliver software is therefore no longer a differentiator, but instead a basic need for survival. I’ve shared my vision on this topic before: In the near future, success will depend upon making optimal use of IT. Successful organisations will be those who use innovation to be disruptive towards competitors.
Talking to Kit Colbert (CTO Cloud Native Apps VMware) during VMworld San Francisco reinforced my belief that VMware will be the platform to accommodate this disruptive approach. Their close collaboration with Pivotal and Docker will support ITQ’s strategy even further and help our clients to create opportunities and gain competitive advantage. That’s why we have put a lot of energy into our new Cloud Native Apps Team, that will enable our clients to go ‘from idea to production in one day’. You will find more on our Cloud Native Apps proposition later in this newsletter.
Next up on our itinerary is VMworld Europe. ITQ will be represented in Barcelona by over 20 consultants to gain knowledge, get in contact and be inspired. We hope to welcome a lot of you at the Benelux Party, of which we are Gold Sponsor this year. And if the party alone is not inviting enough, perhaps the chance to win a great prize is 🙂
Over the past few months, we have been able to strengthen team ITQ with several passionate consultants. We’re very pleased they have made the decision to join us. We’ve also recently issued a press release to announce the appointment of our Chief Commercial Officer. We feel this acquisition is a next step in the development of ITQ, which will allow me, personally, to play a more active role in current and future projects.
Enjoy reading,
Francisco Perez van der Oord
Cloud Native Apps
For companies to be able to compete in the near future, an approach is required that enables a fast time to market, while maintaining stability, availability and durability. That’s where Cloud Native Apps come in. The mission: From idea to production in one day.
VMworld San Francisco
Over the past ten years, the VMworld US conference has turned into one of the largest in the IT industry. The size of the current event reflects how disruptive the x86 virtualization technology has been. In recent years, most of the conferences were an evolution of the x86 virtualization revolution; only very rarely a new technology emerges that pushes the established order.
This was one of those years.

VMworld Barcelona
We’re very much looking forward to the conference next week. Based on the US conference, we’re expecting a lot of interesting sessions on Mobility, NSX, Horizon, and a lot more. There will even be a Cloud Native track this year! And of course, ITQ will be blogging in full force.
Let’s party!
This year, we thought it would be nice to give back a little during VMworld Barcelona. So we decided to be a Gold Sponsor for the Benelux party. We hope to meet you there for a toast! Also.. we’re giving away a rather cool prize to one of the attendees… 🙂
Latest Blogs:
VMworld US 2015: Beyond Virtualization
vCloud Air enhancements: HC Manager, networking and vMotion