As soon as it came out I downloaded the Windows 8 Release Preview and Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate.
The first thing I want to try are the new web development features so I decided to open an existing MVC 3 project I am working on. This MVC project is nothing special, created with the new project wizard using IIS express 7.5 and is running great on my Windows 7 VS2010 dev machine.
Project opens okay in 2012, compiles, runs and:
What? ‘$’ is undefined? Sounds like jQuery isn’t loaded.. let’s checkout the network traffic:
HUH? on every request a 500 result EXCEPT the aspx page??? That’s extremely weird.. The other way around would make much more sense…
Checked out the eventlog, nothing.. googled the whole internet, nothing..
I requested one of the failing files directly in the browser:
Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type ‘mimeMap’ with unique key attribute ‘fileExtension’ set to ‘.woff’
I added this to make IIS express 7.5 to host .woff files, apparently IIS express 8 beta does this by default.. so me adding the entry in my web.config breaks everything. That is easy to fix:
This way it runs fine on IIS express 7.5 and 8 beta.
Why this error isn’t displayed when requesting the aspx page still puzzles me..