Aug 20th, Robert Kloosterhuis


Its been a very Tanzu year for me, after my 'Tanzu for Dummies Beginners' session (and CMTY Podcast appearance),  I am continuing to do some public speaking about Tanzu topics the coming months!


I will be focussing on TKG itself, and more specifically the 3 different flavors of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that VMware currently has available: TKGi (ex Pivotal PKS), TKG(m), and TKG(s) (aka 'vSphere with Tanzu') and the differences between them.  I am gonna deep dive into each version, look at how they are deployed, how they are used, and compare the configuration and design choices you will face with each.


VMworld 2021 Code Connect - The State of the TKG Art [CODE2780] - Oct 5

Via the VMware{code} Program,  (in which I am a Code Coach) , and the Code Connect event that is attached to VMworld2021 this year, I have a session that you can find in the VMworld scheduler!


Use this search string to find it:, or just look for CODE2780


I would also like to highlight the Session by Scott Rosenberg, Adding Custom Logic to TKG Cluster Deployment [CODE2749]


UK- North West England VMUG - Sep 9

Nathan Byrne (@Vm_nathbyrne) very graciously invited me to speak at the UK North West VMUG (@NWEnglandVMUG).


Sign-up for it here:


The original article was posted on:

Robert Kloosterhuis Technologist Modern App Platforms

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