Hello to the intrepid explorers of technology! Today, I'm inviting you on an enlightening expedition to unravel the secrets of Cloud Native technology. Picture this: staring up at the sky, watching the clouds as they effortlessly meander across the blue expanse. Now, imagine if your IT operations could flow as freely and adapt as quickly as those clouds. Well, that's precisely what Cloud Native aims to accomplish. So, buckle up as we slice through the jargon fog, peering into why organizations are adopting Cloud Native technology faster than geese migrating south for the winter.

This all might sound extremely high level and vague. But it isn’t a hype if it’s all a lie, right? There needs to be something to get everybody so pumped-up about it. I decided to jump into this hype to better understand what it’s all about. Hoping to understand discussions better and decide for myself how promising this Cloud Native craze is. Hopefully I can take you on my journey by writing blogs about my attempt to understand this subject and all of you can decide for yourself how much this Cloud Native thing can bring you.


Cloud Native: The Next Frontier

Cloud Native is an innovative approach to building and running applications, exploiting the benefits of the cloud to their fullest. Picture it as a set of principles and best practices that empower organizations to design, deploy, and scale applications with remarkable efficiency and effectiveness in any cloud environment (on-premises, hybrid, or remote). It's like being the conductor of an orchestra, where every section works in perfect harmony.


Why Cloud Native Makes Sense: A Journey through theories

To truly appreciate why Cloud Native is the rave, we'll need to take a quick detour through several theoretical highways. Buckle up!

The OODA Loop

Here's a concept from the mind of military strategist and U.S. Air Force Colonel, John Boyd. The OODA Loop stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. Think of it as the "Survival of the Quickest." Just as swift Air Force pilots’ triumph in combat, businesses that can quickly cycle through this loop outmaneuver their competitors, grabbing market wins. Cloud Native development, with its "fail fast, iterate faster" mantra, allows businesses to traverse this loop at breakneck speeds, converting valuable market feedback into strategic decisions without missing a beat.

Willow Run: The factory that could

Picture a World War II bomber factory, churning out 300 bombers a year. But the government needed 15,000 to fuel the war effort. Enter Henry Ford, the maestro of the assembly line, who reduced the production time from 1,752 minutes to a staggering 63 minutes. That's the power of automation, folks! Like Ford, Cloud Native allows us to build an assembly line for our applications, putting our scarce talent to work where they're most effective.

Conway’s Law: You are what you communicate

"Organizations design systems that mirror their own communication," postulated Melvin Conway. In other words, inefficient communication can lead to a spaghetti monster of complex architectures. Cloud Native encourages cross-functional teams that foster clear communication, cutting through the knots of complexity to design cleaner, more efficient systems.

Occam’s Razor: Less is more

In the Cloud Native world, Occam's Razor—often paraphrased as "the simplest solution is usually the best one"—holds true. With hundreds of services offered by cloud providers, making the right choice can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. Cloud Native simplifies these choices, allowing organizations to pick the tools that best suit their needs. It's like having a personal cloud GPS, guiding you to your destination.


So, you're not Cloud Native yet? No worries, it's never too late to join the party! Imagine strolling through a bustling city, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beckoning you into your favorite café. Now, picture that café still brewing its java like it's the 19th century - grinding beans by hand, boiling water over an open fire, and mixing it all in a bronze kettle. Sounds quaint, doesn't it? But what happens when the morning rush hits? Unless your barista is a coffee-brewing superhero, you're going to have a bunch of caffeine-deprived, cranky customers on your hands. That's like a business trying to keep up in today's high-speed, digital world without adopting Cloud Native.


Cloud Native: Your Golden Ticket to the IT Wonderland

Why are businesses jumping on the Cloud Native bandwagon? Let's explore the benefits:


Cloud Native enables applications to handle varying workloads effortlessly, whether it's a small gathering or a Super Bowl-sized crowd. It's like having a magical rubber band for your app, stretching, and shrinking according to your needs - think Willow Run, but with bits and bytes instead of bombers!


In our fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of trends is vital. Cloud Native equips applications with the agility to adapt swiftly, outpacing the competition. Remember the OODA loop? This is where it becomes practical.

Cost Optimization

Traditional infrastructure maintenance can be challenging and costly. Cloud Native's pay-as-you-go model allows you to scale resources according to your needs. It's like paying for the pizza slice you ate, not the entire restaurant. Plus, it reduces dependencies, so you won't be stranded if cloud providers increase their prices. Due to Occam's Razor everything is designed efficient and simple.


Applications built using Cloud Native principles have a superhero-like resilience. They can handle hiccups, recover from failures, and keep running smoothly. It's like your application has its own indestructible Captain America shield, helping it bounce back from any setback. According to Conway's Law everything is designed clean and efficient. This makes applications and underlying infrastructure highly supportable towards the business.


Who wouldn’t want all those benefits! If it was simple, everybody would be there already. In my upcoming blog, I will talk about the ITQ Cloud Native Maturity Model. A survival guide for everybody trying to move through the swamps of becoming a true Cloud Native organization. Unfortunately, it also shows you're not finished with a fresh Kubernetes install. Stay tuned for more blogs, where I dive into more specific areas of Cloud Native and tell you what I’ve learned along the way.

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