Wednesday June 24th 2015

The ITQ virtualization consultants are very much involved in the VMware community, they follow their “Passion for Technology” which brings them to all sorts of community events like VMworld conferences, VMware Partner Exchange, VMUG Days, Storage Field Days, DevOpsDays etc.

This allows us to present the ITQ Technical Update session: a yearly event organized and presented by the ITQ consultants. During this event we will take you through the latest trends and will share our vision and our ideas about where the virtualization and cloud market is going.

For this year’s sessions we have focused on the following three topics;

• vCloud Air – DR to the Cloud
• Next-Gen Apps – Pivotal CF
• End User Computing – Beyond the virtual desktop

Learn more about this event and register here.


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Knowledge is key for our existence. This knowledge we use for disruptive innovation and changing organizations. Are you ready for change?

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