Wijk aan zee, March 28, 2018. ITQ is proud to present Robert Hellings as the new Chief Executive Officer for ITQ per April 1st. Robert Hellings will be taking over this position from Francisco Perez van der Oord who will be focussing on customer engagements and business development for ITQ.
“ITQ is doing well – very well. Last year, we had the privilege to assist over 130 customers with 170 projects and help them achieve their business goals”, explains the current CEO Francisco Perez van der Oord. “We always focus on disruptive innovation and we are an enabler for change: it’s why we’re passionate about technology and its power to enable progress.”
ITQ is carrying more ambition and major changes into 2018. One of them is the VMware PPSP Premier status (Professional Services Partner Program). ITQ has become the first non-Global SISO organization to achieve this. Furthermore, even before VMware announced their VMware Cloud on AWS competency, the ever ambitious ITQ team has accomplished the status of Early Access partner, completing all 13 VMware competencies, and being one of only a few partners worldwide to establish this. With this partnership, ITQ wants to make sure its customers succeed in their Hybrid Cloud Strategy, in the best way possible. Additionally, ITQ became a member of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, supporting its Cloud Native proposition. Last but not least, recently the ITQ team proudly announced their new branch office in Leuven, Belgium per February 1st. From this location, ITQ is able to service their customers in Belgium, Luxembourg and the South of the Netherlands.
With such developments and the related growth, ITQ enters a new phase. To fulfill its ambition and challenges, while maintaining ITQ’s course, quality, culture and core values, the time was right for a new CEO, who can complement the leadership team and lead the organization in this new phase.
Robert Hellings (48) brings long-standing experience from the financial branch, with extensive knowledge of both IT and business and especially the alignment of these worlds. Robert started his career in ICT as developer and architect, after which he evolved into management roles, including IT Infrastructure & Operations at a.s.r., IT Architecture & Security at Fortis IT Benelux and the integration of ABN Amro IT on behalf of Fortis IT. Hereafter, he joined the a.s.r. Pensions management team as change director. Before joining ITQ, he was the director Integrity at a.s.r. Robert has been a counselor for ITQ a few years ago and is well known to the organization.
Robert: “The chemistry with ITQ management was always there and especially the ITQ core values passion, ownership, quality and authenticity are fully aligned with my personal values. To accommodate and guide future growth of ITQ, while maintaining ITQ’s unique culture and working with high end professionals, really motivates me to take on this beautiful challenge and opportunity.”.
ITQ’s current CEO won’t be retiring any time soon; quite the opposite. Francisco: “This is the logical and right decision for the development of ITQ. Supporting our ambitions to grow, I will be focussing on customer engagements, developing business initiatives, like international expansion, and new practices, like Cloud Native Applications. We welcome Robert to the ITQ family and wish him all the best in his new position.”