Since our presentation at the NLVMUG last March we have been thinking about how to upgrade our shoebox-sized datacenter, to make it more awesome (is it possible?) and faster.

On May 6th we are doing our presentation at the Italian VMUG and we promised them a BYON or Build You Own NAS as an extra edition to our shoebox sized datacenter.

We started out with an Intel NUC, the same base as our ESXi hosts, and a couple of 2,5” WD spindles. As you might know an Intel NUC is equipped with only one SSD connection and we want a RAID5 solution, so this is a challenge.

And like the rest of our shoebox sized datacenter the components will be 3d printed.


After the session in Italy we will publish the exact setup and the results.

Dennis Hoegen Dijkhof Managing Director ITQ The Netherlands

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