March 6th was a very important date for the Netherlands VMUG @NLVMUG, they organized their first NLVMUG Conference since they are a member of the International VMUG organization. It was a very successful event with 23 breakout sessions and more than 600 VMware enthusiasts. As one of the members of the @NLVMUG leadership team I’m very proud of the result and thank you all for coming and the positive feedback.
I was present that day together with my colleague Christiaan not only to attend several breakout sessions with subjects like VSAN, NSX, Converged Infrastructure, vCAC, Operations and many more but also to present our own session. In our session we showed how much performance we could get from our shoebox sized datacenter and discussed the impact of Flash storage on your datacenter and IOPS performance. After presenting at several other events it was our first time at a VMUG event and we enjoyed it very much.
Take a look a the slide deck here: Datacenter_Schoenendoos_Spindle-vs-flash
The presentation is recorded and will be published on the NLVMUG website soon.
There will be more postings about our session soon, we will give you the complete configuration of our shoebox size datacenter, the used software and of course the results presented at our session.
If you would like to know more about our session or the NLVMUG don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dennis Hoegen Dijkhof – ITQ VMware Specialist & Member @NLVMUG leadership team.
Christiaan Roeleveld – ITQ VMware Specialist