This describes the commands needed to remove a vib from a offline zip bundle that you aqcuired from vmware or maybe you exported it from the single image within vCenter.

First you add the software depot with #1 after that you get the name of the profile in that bundle with #2.
Then you need to clone the profile so we can edit it with #3. Now get a list of all packages in the bundle with #4. And finally you can remove the vib with #5 in my case i needed to remove “smx-provider”. To be able to use this as an iso or zip use #6 to export it.

#1 Add-EsxSoftwareDepot -DepotUrl "Location of zip bundle"

#2 Get-EsxImageProfile | Select Name,Vendor

#3 New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile "output from #2" -Name 70U3D-HP -Vendor HBVS

#4 Get-EsxSoftwarePackage # Lijst van packages in het depot

#5 Remove-EsxSoftwarePackage -SoftwarePackage smx-provider -ImageProfile 70U3D-HP

#6 Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile 70U3D-HP -ExportToIso 70U3D-HP.iso -ExportToBundle

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