Contrary to popular belief, virtual desktops are still relevant in today's digital workspace. While organizations modernize their application landscape, the remaining applications are often vital to the primary business processes.  

Whether they host it on-premises or in the cloud or present it via a virtual desktop or published application, the need for an excellent user experience remains. 

One of the most impactful things on user experience is performance. 

To measure is to know

During the implementation of a virtual workspace, considerable attention is always given to the sizing and performance of the environment. Questions like "How long does it take to log in?" and "How does our key application perform?" are often essential and do not go unanswered. 

However, we often see no or limited attention to these topics once the solution goes live. 

This is concerning, as a constant stream of changes occurs, such as organizational growth or Windows and application updates, meaning that past performance is no guarantee for the future. 

But how do you address the following questions when you don't have any data to back it up? 

  • We need to replace our hardware, what do we need, and in what quantity?
  • How many desktops can still fit on our platform?
  • Are we using our platform to its full potential?
  • What is the cause of the poor performance of our desktop/application?
  • Why does it take so long to log in?
  • Do we use the installed applications?

The ITQ solution 

At ITQ, we have developed a service fully designed to address our clients' specific needs, challenges, and questions. This service is called the sizing and performance assessment, powered by Liquidware Stratusphere UX and ITQ's consultants. 

The key benefits of the ITQ sizing & performance assessment are: 

  • Analysis of the current virtual workspace: The assessment identifies potential bottlenecks regarding the performance of the current and future virtual desktop workspace. 
  • Informed decision-making: The detailed insights from the assessment and recommendations from our consultants enable organizations to make well-informed decisions. 
  • Maximizing investments: By optimizing the performance of the workspace, previously made investments can be better utilized, and future investments may be avoided. 
  • Expert guidance: Customers benefit from ITQ's extensive experience and knowledge of virtual workspaces, giving them access to advice and support throughout the assessment process. 

Utilizing analytical tools over an extended period of time is essential for comprehensively understanding the environment. This specific timeline can be determined through mutual agreement between ITQ and your organization. 

What to expect?

During the assessment kick-off, we'll explain the activities, confirm the initial question or problem statement, and review any relevant details. 

Once the assessment has started, we'll regularly check in to analyze the gathered data and report back on any early conclusions we can make. 

After the analysis concludes, we'll gather and assess all the data and start working on our report. 

This report will contain an attachment with our findings, advice, or conclusion tailored to the initial question or problem statement. 

What's next?

Our report, based on extensive data about their environment, lets customers proceed with their initial question or problem statement. 

When a customer is purchasing hardware, it will have what it needs to contact its preferred supplier for a quote and make an informed decision. ITQ can optionally include a proposal for the hardware and any additional licenses or services with the report if desired. 

When it comes to performance issues, customers will have a list of actionable items to address themselves, or they can request the help of an ITQ consultant to support them or let ITQ address these entirely. 

Whether you face a performance issue, want to make an informed decision, or simply want to know more about this topic, don't hesitate to contact ITQ. 

Jesper Alberts Technologist Digital Workspace

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