In today’s projects, Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are becoming essential components when talking about Virtual Desktops. Windows 10 and modern applications (like browers, Office and Teams) expect a GPU to be present in a (virtual) system.

Next to VDI projects, we see an increased demand in accelerators for Machine Learning and High-Performance Computing projects as well. NVIDIA is the market leader in the field of those accelerators and in our partnership we deliver the best GPU solution depending on the customer’s innovative use cases.

Master Services Competencies and Principal Partners

ITQ has evolved into a highly focussed, flexible service delivered by some of the sharpest IT minds in the Netherlands. Our aim is simple, to become the number one VMware knowledge partner in our country. The only way we can get there is through the most skilled and committed engineers, consultants and project managers around. Just the sort of talent that already call ITQ home.

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Ruurd about NVIDIA (v)GPU integration by ITQ

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Eu nibh commodo mi accumsan euismod duis odio lacinia vestibulum non curabitur nec commodo metus rutrum penatibus blandit egestas convallis nascetur felis auctor tempus euismod class a parturient.Parturient interdum dui.

Johan van Amersfoort Chief Evangelist

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