Digital Transformations are hot. Buzzword, trend or recurring event, I don't know. I guess we will soon find out. I do see signs of a digital transformation in the workspace area as well. The demand for digital workspace platforms is increasing fast. A platform that just simply, securely delivers and manages any app, on any device and from any location including integrated access control, application management and multi-platform endpoint management.

As we are known for our approach regarding VMware Horizon, Airwatch and Workspace One implementation projects, we are quite often invited at potential new customers. During the first contact, I am often asked to explain how we handle these projects. We start by investigating the problem areas of the current workspace. Frequent use cases we encounter, are logon delays, different user experiences on different devices, no access to company apps and corresponding data, labour-intensive update/patch management and always in the top 3: bad performance.

Digital Workspace TransformationBesides the use cases which should be addressed in the project, it is key to assess the IT vision of the customer. How are business goals and the vision on IT associated and what will be the added value of your digital workspace project? The moment you are able to connect your digital workspace project to the vision of the company and/or IT, and you know your most important use cases, you can easily define your business and IT requirements. With a vision in one hand and your use cases and requirements in the other, you can enter every meeting with the stakeholders of the project. So, involve C-level, Business and IT managers, architects, VDI experts, end-user representatives and don't forget HR. Discuss with them what you are aiming for. Why and what the results or outcome of your project will be.

After gathering all the essentials for your project, you are ready to draw the project plan. A plan which contains more than a classic project plan with a work breakdown structure. Inspire your stakeholders with this plan: why should they start a digital workspace project, how does this fit in the bigger picture of IT and their organization? Don't only communicate the tangible results, like a new laptop with W10, but demonstrate the use cases to show how everybody will work faster with more fun and will be more productive as a result.

It is not due to project experiences alone, why ITQ has developed a very productive approach for a digital workspace projects. We also have had a close look at the work of Kotter, Novius and Sinek as well, and used their theories. I will present a session at Transform! on the 21th of November to elaborate more on how ITQ combines project experiences with theory and how you successfully approach a digital workspace project, before you start one.

Would you like to read more about Digital Transformation? Check out our IT Transformation Services website, where you can find all sorts of content.

Hope to see you at Transform!


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