The services of include communication and payment services, such as text messages, dental reminders, appointments with the GGD, TAN codes, BMW Auto Drive codes, IDEAL, VISA, Master Card, et cetera. They provide the best possible service with all-in-one solutions.

ITQ has helped by matching the right expertise to the problem. ITQ has ensured engineers can focus on engineering and not on automation, or maintaining the existing platform. By walking along with the company, we try to meet the needs best as possible.

We are well attuned to each other. We now know which person fits which issue. This goes further than just matching the right expertise. We plan the work and coordinate with that person in such a way that he/she is actually available when we need the commitment.

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Key outcome:

Engineers can now focus on engineering.

The solutions

Our solutions are designed to help you to migrate software to cloud safely, with minimal disruption to your business and ongoing support to keep you optimizing throughout your journey

Used solutions

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Thom Vessies, Sales Manager at ITQ, about the collaboration with

"We are very enthusiastic about companies like They are one of the most progressive, innovative organizations we know. Always looking for new technology and market opportunities. And they dare to seize those opportunities. That's how we work as well. Our handpicked consultants are specialists who always have the most up-to-date knowledge. Therefore, we are not afraid to be the first to use the latest technology, because as a technical business partner we want to add the maximum value to our customers. Together we have built a solid foundation that supports CM’s international growth and ambitious goals, even in unforeseen circumstances.”
Remon Koumans Sales Manager DACH

Let's talk!

Knowledge is key for our existence. This knowledge we use for disruptive innovation and changing organizations. Are you ready for change?

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