Read comics on your Kindle e-reader

Vacation is coming and I was looking at stuff to put on my Kindle e-reader. Found some books to read and then
I came across comic books on Amazon. Nothing sparked my interest right away but it did remind me of some old comics I read a looooong time ago (of which I still have the actual paper versions!).
The specific comics are about Storm, a dude's adventure after falling into Jupiters great red spot and accidentally traveling through time in the process.

Sadly Amazon didn't give me anything but hardcovers but I managed to get my hands on some digital versions after some thorough google-fu.
Having the digital versions was just the first step, now I had to get them onto my kindle while also keeping it readable. Google to the rescue again.

The first tool you'll need for doing this is Kindle Comic Converter (or KCC). This will turn your digital comics into something
an e-reader understands. Except for the Kindle mobi format, you'll need an additional tool (which KCC will tell you about when you select Kindle mobi output).
You can download KindleGen from Amazon and need to place the .exe into the KCC directory for it to work. Nothing to complicated.

With all this setup out of the way, it's time to convert those archives into .mobi files.
This will take a little bit of time, depending on the size of the archives that are converted.

Once you have the Kindle prefered format, grab trusty old Calibre and use it to send the e-books to your device!

Storm on Kindle

It took a little bit of google-fu but the result is pretty good. The screen of the Kindle Paperwhite I have is a bit on the small side for what I'm trying to read,
but zooming and panning work very well.

Keep in mind that converting a full-color comic for an e-reader will obviously remove all the color but the results are good enough for what I want.

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Sander Harrewijnen Developer

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