Imagine you’re sitting in your comfort zone cage, safe and surrounded by familiar things. You know there are more adventures out there, but you also acknowledge the fact that life is pretty good as it currently is. Imagine you’re in that cage with everything you know on your left, the unknown on your right – just outside the cage – and a key in front of you. Surprisingly the key fits the door of your cage, ready for you to explore the unknown. Do you take the key? Or do you leave it be?

I took it and I invite you to join me in my journey!

In the weeks leading to my ITQ adventure friends & family asked me “Are you ready?” a dozen times. “Yes” was my response, “Yes! And it will be challenging!”.

As I made the shift towards automation & orchestration, a steep learning curve was (and still is) lying ahead. However, not without support. In the first days at ITQ we created a training plan with clear topics & objectives. Just the way I like it.

A portable demo kit was also sent over for me to play with. Equipped with some Supermicro & Intel NUC devices, interconnected with switches and armed with enough CPU & RAM to get a couple of things going. It’s lab time!!

To top it all off: the first weeks were filled with a lot of passionate people, honest encounters, VMware Partner Awards and an ambitious Valentine dinner with my ITQ buddy. I love the spirit at ITQ, the openness & helpful mindset. #OneITQ

Expertise is built on (work) experience and learning. I’m currently in the learning part of building it, deep diving into vRA & vRO. I’m loving the seemingly endless possibilities and the integration with your imagination! Next up is shadowing the gurus on a couple of projects and achieving my VCP-CMA certification.

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Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!


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Michael Van de gaer IT Consultant

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